I've created this blog in the hopes of busting some myths about Pinterest pins that are sometimes too good to be true!
They all sound good, and I am sure we all have pins on our boards that we never even opened all the way to see what the step by step process actually is. We read the title and think, sounds great, I'll do that. I know that my DIY and Helpful Tips and Tricks Boards are overflowing with things I may never get to.
Guilty...I may have also created this blog to get me off my pin streak and get started actually completing some of these things!
I will be blogging and sharing photos of my pinning experiences with no "fluff" just real results from a real wife and mommy setting out to debunk and prove some of the things we've all been waiting to try!
Follow me and I will walk you through some amazing and not-so-amazing finds from Pinterest. If you have suggestions on something I should try, let me know and I will consider it and post my findings!
Each post will contain a title with either PROVEN (it works!), DEBUNKED (it doesn't work!) or ON THE FENCE (leave it up to you to decide if you want to try!)